Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Amazon Wishlist: Teacher Edition

Now that it's summer it's time for me to restock on some of my favorite classroom items!  Here are my TOP 10 things I use in my classroom, I hope you find them useful!  
Wireless Doorbell
I love this thing!  I got one for the first time this year and it saves my voice so much.  I use it to get the class's attention instead of trying to shout or clap or find my way to a chime.  Just clip the little button to your lanyard and off you go!  

I use velcro dots ALL. THE. TIME.  Half of my walls are fireproof brick so nothing sticks....but velcro does the trick.  These guys last all year.  

Teacher Planner 
I usually make my own lesson plan binder but for only $20 this one looks pretty enticing!  

Ink Joy Gel Pens 
I'll take these over flair pens ANY day!  I like to write my students feedback in these because they are so smooth I feel like I get my grading done faster.  (Wishful thinking, I'm sure!)

Address Labels 
I use address labels to label student notebooks, folders, cubbies, mailboxes, my personal library books, even dry erase markers!  You name it, it's labeled!  

Book Display 
People this is only TWENTY DOLLARS!!  I love the neutral colors too.  I use this to display our read alouds and mentor texts.  

Jumbo Sticky Notes 
These make anchor charts even more fun than they already are!  They come in 3 different colors and sizes.  
This game is the math version of Banangrams.  I also love to use the colored tiles for numbers of the day, building math problems, and various activities for my visual/hands-on learners!  

Operation Die 
Again, another favorite for my visual and hands-on learners.  Just another little thing to up engagement!  

Dry Erase Sleeves 
I keep multiple class lists in these so I can check off homework, permission slip return, etc.  It saves me from having to make copies all the time!  I also keep these at math stations so I don't have to laminate and cut so much!  


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

5 Ways to Avoid the Conferring Conundrum

If you use the workshop model in your classroom and you're anything like me (too many things going on to even think straight!) then you probably struggle with conferring with every student on a regular basis and keeping track of what you talk about.  It's SO easy to fall into the trap of meeting with the same kids over and over again because they are able to grab your attention or you know they need a little more support.  It's taken me a long time, but I finally have it down to a science.  I've listed 5 easy steps below. 

1. Keep all subjects in ONE spot.  
I use a binder.  It house notes for reading, writing, and math. 

2. Each student gets their own tab.  
I picked up these numbered tabs from Office Depot.  I don't have to change them out every year and when I want information on a student during a meeting it's easy and quick for me to find everything I need.  

3.  Have a different colored sheet for every subject.  
Even though I use the same format sheet for each subject, I color code them.  Again, just another way to keep it easier on myself! 

4. Track strengths AND goals.  
Instead of always focusing on what the student needs to do to improve, I always give them a compliment. (I know this is pretty standard!)  But leaving a space for me to write down what I said to them forces me to not repeat myself again and again each time I meet with them.  Also, when it's time for data meetings I always have strengths to share out!  

5. Use a weekly checklist.  (THIS IS THE GAME CHANGER!) 
I keep a laminated weekly checklist in the front of my binder.  Each week I check off the students I have already met with.  This prevents me from doing repeat conferences and allows me to get to every student in my class.  

While these aren't all earth shattering ideas, it's what works for me and how I maintain a little sanity!  Hopefully you can take something away to use in your everyday!  

*Also, how could I not include the best book EVER?!*

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Thanksgiving FREEBIE!

With Thanksgiving just around the corer I thought it would be fun to do a little photo booth fun with my class.  We don't celebrate Christmas at my school so I'll print a photo off of each student and send it home before Thanksgiving break.  I don't think you can ever have too many photos!  
I will write a little card for each student and I will also have each student write a little card for another student in the class.  Hopefully you can find a use for these in your room too!  Click any photo to download!  

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

2017-2018 Classroom Tour

It's November 1st and I'm just now getting around to sharing my 4th grade classroom!  I try to be intentional when laying out a classroom and I LOVE open spaces.  I always start the year with blank walls so my students can add their own touches to them and we can fill them with anchor charts and resources.  So without further ado, here's a little peak into my home away from home. 

Here's a view from the back of the room.  I don't have a window and I have a wall that could use some serious TLC so I used flat twin sheets from Wal Mart to mock-up a window! 

A quick peak into the library.  Now those boards are full of charts and student work! 

People, these chairs were SO easy and CHEAP to make.  And they are a FAVORITE spot in the classroom.  Stop by Ikea, and grab yourself one for only $6.  I applied vinyl cut out circles to them to add a pop of color. 

This is my small group table and most of my supplies/important things.  Now the table has yoga balls surrounding it for the kids to sit at and work. 

A view to the front of the room. 

TIP: Use a desktop calendar for your board and then you don't have to change the days every month.  I was THE WORST at that when I taught primary!! 

 A closer up view of the "window"  HA!

Here's our makerspace.  The kids love this area.  It's easy to use and keeps all of those items that look like junk out of sight!  The bulletin board is used to display the projects and plans they make in the makerspace.  

The doors to enter the classroom have two windows.  I used tension rods, 3M hooks, and sheets from WalMart to hang inexpensive curtains to add a little homey look. 

These shelves house our current read alouds, pictures of our class, and a few student supplies such as clipboards and dry erase boards. 

As I said before, a few things have evolved and been added, but this is mostly what our room looks like!  Hope you enjoyed!  Thanks for stopping by!  

Saturday, April 29, 2017

21 Day Kindness Challenge

With the school year winding down and students winding up, I needed something quick and easy but still meaningful to help them stay on track and to continue to be kind to others.  So I implemented this 21 day challenge.  The best part?  All you need is a rubber band!  Which I already had in the classroom.  

When I was in college in one of my education classes I was assigned to read the book: A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen.  In the book Bowen talks all about how it takes 21 days to create a new habit.  He uses a wristband to help him form a habit of NOT complaining.  Every time he complains he switches his wristband to a new wrist.  The purpose of the wristband is to make himself more aware of when he complaining.  

I twisted it a little bit to make it more applicable to my student’s needs.  I gave each student a rubber band and challenged them to form the habit of always saying and thinking kind things.  Each time they say or do something unkind they move their rubber band to a different wrist.  It’s been really cool to watch them support each other this week!  

I keep a basket of extra rubber bands on my table….because 5th graders.  

So if you need an easy way to encourage your students try it out!  And if you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it!  

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Reading Through Multiple Lenses

Everyone has heard the saying to "walk in someone else's shoes".  This week, we read through multiple lenses!  This time of year it's always tough to keep students focused.  So why not spice things up a bit with some neon glasses?  

We are studying social issues in reading and many of the characters in the books we are reading do things that we don't necessarily agree with.  The lesson focused on seeing things from their point of view before reacting negatively to them.  The students worked with their reading partner and each student got a different color pair of glasses.  They discussed and answered the two questions: 

1. How would I feel if I were experiencing what the character is experiencing? 
2. What choices might I make in this situation?  

Then they switched glasses.  It was a quick and easy ways to get kids excited, talking, and laughing about books!  

Click the image to download the poster and glasses!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

To-Do Tags

I'm fortunate enough to have volunteers in my room every week and students who have paper-handling jobs.  They help me make copies, file, and prep things.  But I was SO sick of using all my sticky notes to label piles and give directions so I created some super easy To-Do Tags to use.  All I did was print them, laminate them, and used a glue dot to attach them to a clothespin.  I think if I used hot glue I could have attached them to a paper clip, but I was using what I had on hand!!  Please enjoy!!