Well I'm a little late to the party, but HELLLOOOO 2017! I don't know where the time goes, but man it sure goes fast. I'm excited for all of the things 2017 is going to bring and what I plan to accomplish (and not accomplish) this year. These goals are mostly focused on all things Teach Jane Teach and in my classroom. Do you have goals for your teaching life? I'd love to hear them, so please share! We can all hold each other accountable!
People, I waste SO MUCH TIME!! Whether it's on pinterest or instagram or chatting with co-workers in the hall. This year I want to get better at knowing exactly where my precious minutes are going. And I want to be sure they are going exactly where I want them to go! Any tips on this? Help a sista out!
I am the queen of starting projects and NEVER finishing them. I started a project nearly two years ago...that is still unfinished. Who does that?! Me apparently. So my goal is to finish all those projects that are sitting around on my computer or in my camera or on my desk. Some of them are really cool too, so I will definitely be sharing them here!
I am SO EXCITED about this. I will be holding a poster session this summer at the ISTE conference in San Antonio. I am presenting on integrating reading and STEM. I also plan to share some of my thoughts and ideas here so be on the lookout. (This goes back to finishing my projects! ha!)
Since I'm presenting at ISTE I thought I'd add this to my list. I plan to invest in myself to further my educational practices. I recently signed up for a restorative practices class through my district that starts the first of February and I will finish up a class on reading recovery in April. #ilovelearning
My professional learning goal this school year is to focus on getting students engaged and keeping them engaged all while keeping the content rigorous. I'm doing my second classroom transformation tomorrow, so I'll be sure to let you know how it goes! I already have 3 more planned. Try to keep things interesting!
So there you have it! I hope to stick to these and share my progress here! Please let me know your goals!